The first time I watched this, the only thing that really stood out was the horrific dubbing of the dialogue and the fact that the male time travelers from the future were all suffering from male-pattern baldness. But after a second viewing, it turned out to be one of the better Big-G movies up to this point. The filmmakers stole the time travel aspects of "Terminator 2", and although cheesy beyond belief, it actually added some depth.

The effects were pretty good and the Godzilla suit was mean and nasty looking (finally). For some reason, this suit also features some massive pectoral muscles, enough to make me believe that Godzilla had been working out. I can't say that the three-headed King Ghidorah has ever been one of my favorite giant monsters, though. It just kind of stands there and shoots lightning bolts everywhere. I think it's because it has no arms to grapple Godzilla or to knock over buildings with.

There are some absolutely terrible scenes of an indestructible android that manages to run at incredible speeds while barely moving his upper body (you'll know it when you see it). The good news is, if you want to watch a decent entry from the "Heisei" series, you could make a worse choice than this.

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