The imagination and visuals are great in this movie. I really like the look of Guillermo Del Toro's films. "Pan's Labyrinth" the original "Hellboy" "The Devil's Backbone"; they are all thrilling to look at but "Hellboy II" is the biggest visual treat of them all. It is eye candy from start to finish.

The opening scene of the movie tells the story of the Golden Army a fable visualized by Del Toro by using wooden dolls. Its really stunning and reminded me a little bit of Tim Burton's "Nightmare Before Christmas".

The creatures in "Hellboy II" are amazing creations and the Troll Market is a wonderful place of weirdness. Most impressive visually though is the Golden Army itself. The soldiers are a collection of brilliant yellow-gold mechanized machines that once destroyed reassemble themselves.

There are plenty of laughs and Ron Perlman as Hellboy is as hilarious as ever. The movie is really light on plot and the evil Prince Nuada character is just another sword-fighting, martial-arts type who does a lot of flipping and jumping around. Abe Sapien, Liz and the newest member of the team, Johann Krauss, are all likable and interesting supporting characters.

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