Review by whitsbrain

Seconds 1966

This is a wild film that most would be bored with. There's plenty of strange editing, odd camera technique, and what seems like an early style of found footage inserted throughout. The camera is everywhere. It follows someone as they walk through a crowd. It moves into the middle of a conversation and even points up a nose or two in the opening credits. "Seconds" is a film that film nerds will enjoy more than someone who watches movies to be entertained.

I didn't like the characters, but I don't think I was supposed to. Rock Hudson is the main character and he is pathetic overall. Disenfranchised with his life, he makes a change. A change that will alter everything about his existence.

One of the people integral to his change is someone that I'll call a project manager, played by Jeff Corey. It's a small part, but he is such a kick to watch. This is probably due to my fondness for the original "Outer Limits" TV series. Recalling Corey's quirkiness in a couple of episodes in that series (particularly "O.B.I.T.), he seems helpful here, but there's something nefarious just under the surface.

Speaking of "Outer Limits" alum, Salome Jens also stars. She's beautiful and seems to be just what Rock needs to kick start his new life. Shortly after they meet, she brings him along to a big party where hippies stomp grapes and get wasted. I can't even describe how unappealing this scene is. It is really annoying. I guess they were supposed to be seeking enlightenment in the form of debauchery. It doesn't work.

Near the end of the film, Rock has a change of heart. This leads to a shocking finale that caught me totally by surprise and really raised up my rating.

I would not recommend this to casual movie viewers. It's weird and it's black and white. Sadly, that's all it really takes to turn off 95% of movie watchers.

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