This goes beyond scary. What I mean is, it's not really scary, it's insane. It's a crazed nightmare. What Sally goes through with the cannibal family is not horrific in the gory sense, it's not even all that bloody. It's the struggle against insanity and Sally's fight to keep her's. And WOW! Can she scream!

There are other terrible moments, like when one of the guys is dragged into Leatherface's butcher shop but all we see is the metal door slamming in front of us. Later, we are taken into that shop to see Leatherface hang Pam(?) on a meat hook where she gets to see her friend cut up. Now, we don't see any of that gore, but it's happening and it's disturbing.

The reason I don't rate this higher is because it gets so odd while Sally is at the cannibal family's dinner table. It borders on comedic. Only Sally's screams snap you back from laughing at the over-the-top behavior of the man-eating family. Also, for as many great choices that were made with the camera, there are just as many that are frustrating. It felt like it was floating around at times or even seemed obstructed on a few occasions.

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