Review by Schmoogie

The Beatles: Get Back 2021

This is an absolutely amazing documentary!

I feel that this is a must-watch series for music lovers of any generation.

It gives us a fantastic, amazing, unique insight into one of the most prolific, biggest selling, most #1 hits band of all time.

We are essentially a fly on the wall over a month's time, as we watch and listen to the group as they work towards making their next album, a planned live TV show, and this very documentary. But things changed. And changed again.

Plans - what plans? the whole thing is pretty much seat-of-your-pants planning. It appears that going into this project on day one no one really had a firm understanding of what anyone really wanted. Especially when it came to the live performance part. The fact that they even thought they could pull any of this off (originally) in under a month's time seemed fantastical. That they completed their task, was a miracle.

We get to see the interactions between each member of the Beatles, good and bad.
We get to witness their creative process in creating new songs. I was amazed to see how so many non-Beatles contributions to the songs were actually used. Both, lyrics as well as musical input came from the crew and even execs.
We watch a lot of goofiness, melodrama, genius, creativity, feelings, tea and toast, so much tea..... and a (short) breakup and reconciliation of the Beatles.

Some personal observations (I know some will disagree with me):
- McCartney is the driving force behind the music and the group and is the one with the most talent.
- The Genius behind the group is the collaboration between Paul and John. Together they were a force to be reconned with.
- Lennon seemed to only be partially engaged in this project.

- Ringo just looked like he was happy to be there, to be included.
- Harrison's disappointment and discouragement, with the band, and friends, was quite palpable. Most of the time he looked like he was the last kid picked for .
- Yoko - ugh. If she wasn't sitting in John's lap or laying/leaning against him she was never more than 12inches away from him.

It was quite amazing to see Paul's face light up when the potential rooftop concert was brought up as an alternative to the live shows that had been discussed so far. You could literally see all his frustrations, with everything up until that point, be replaced by a child-like wonder on Christmas morning of this new option.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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