Sorry, I just don't get it.

If that option is even on the table: Why not extract Zora into an android body and be done with it? Then she can emote, be her own person, evolve and protect and make her own decisions all she wants... and she can also be controlled better, or do you actually want to punish a being that's responsible for you getting enough air to breathe?

We did have some of the same issues with Data (but again, he wasn't the ship's computer!) and Odo, way more poignant and socially relevant. Quite frankly, Stamets was the only one making any kind of sense here - and he ran the risk of being reassigned?!?

And that assembly... WTF? Why is there even an either/or-situation? Why can't they go find the species and prepare to shut down the phenomenon? Why is Discovery so necessary that it's needed on both fronts - it isn't, just build another spore drive (as it's done here) and/or send another ship to the galactic rim. It's really becoming ridiculous how a centuries old starship and its captain are the only ones to solve any issues the universe might come up with.

I understand where Booker's coming from. But how gullible can you be to trust that trader who, for all we know, could even be one of the species responsible for creating the black hole in the first place. "Other universe" - if that's not a hint, then what is?

But quite frankly, how come that Booker and the trader even get to be at the assembly (and Burnham as well, mind you, last time I checked she isn't a political leader - Starfleet's admiral what's-his-name wasn't even there...)? They simply take over the assembly, instead of being removed. And Burnham's moralistic speech... spare me that crap. Not even she actually believes it, and we are meant to believe that the assembly goes with it?

Okay, unless something extraordinary happens in the rest of the season, this will be my last season of Discovery. It's ridiculous, overly emotional, overly centered on personal issues...and the main arc suffers.

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