I was ok with them including the pandemic in the storyline but at this point it is like they are not sure what to do with it anymore. We get all these moments where the pandemic is emphasized and then others where it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, like Kate choosing that specific moment to confront Marc or Randall deciding to travel and find out about his mom!

Now about that whole Kate/Marc story, the show gave us glimpses here and there and really took its time teasing us about Kate’s past but never divulging all the truth, and now it seems the reveal and resolution were rushed. Kate suddenly decides to confront Marc (during a pandemic nonetheless) and after one talk with him, she is suddenly free of an abusive past that has taken years of her life. She never even spoke about it! I mean good for her but how realistic is this? In one episode, she is triggered to remember her past, tells Toby the truth, stalks Marc, confronts him, and then done, chapter closed!

I still don’t like the whole Randall’s mom story but I am kind of curious to see what will be the reason for her not looking up William or her son all these years?

Kevin calling Randall for advice really got me all teared up… BUT what is going with his storyline? The whole disagreement between him and Madison really came out of nowhere! It is not like she suddenly discovered that he is an actor, and Kevin really doesn’t travel that much! Specifically, it came right after she pushed him to accept the location change of his latest movie. Why can’t you just sit and talk and maybe come to some agreement, like she can stay with the kids in LA and Kevin can travel back and forth when needed. One line that cracked me up though was when she told him “you come from a family of great speech-givers.” :joy:

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@tago1987 Totally agree about the pandemic thing! And the Kate thing too.

@tago1987 if they are including current real events (pandemic, blm) then that means next season (which I’m not up to yet) must include the capitol and sept 11 in the 20 years earlier story.
