I kinda hated Kara, she was a bad person, and a lil senseless. I get the “I'm faithful to my principles” thing but she was guided by the stories of Arthur being cruel, even when Arthur acted that compassionate just in front of her. You all: SHE TRIED TO KILL HIM. This girl hated Arthur for all this “you and your family created hate and war” while Arthur was “You tried to kill me, but ok, you can go” and she was “noo I hate you and I want to kill you”. My dear, you are the the one who acted with hate, I get that this war made you lose important stuff, but please, be mature for a second if you really want this to end. You wouldn't have been the first to understand the heart of the king you have in front of you, if you just had stopped for a second to think about it for yourself... Other thing that I don't get is the fact that she ignored what Mordred believed, Mordred cared about Arthur and was his friend, he talked about Arthur's kindness to Kara, he said that HE WAS HIS FRIEND and SHE DIDN'T EVER CARED, YOU DON'T TRY TO KILL THE FRIEND OF SOMEONE YOU LOVE, that's cruel, she was cruel many times actually.
But ok, after all that, I think the story of Kara an Mordred (even though she kinda didn't deserved him) was really cute and I ached for them, specially for Mordred, I've really felt his pain (I've loved Alexander Vlahos in here), poor kiddo.
After all, I know where is all of thing going, and I'm not prepared for it. It's really sad how Arthur tried to be good, but his actions without knowing took him to other place.
Srry for this eternal comment, but I'm 2 chapters away the end of this 5 seasons series, its been an more than a year long trip with this characters and I'm getting really emotional.

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