This episode is phenomenal! We follow Din Djarin after the events of The Mandalorian season 2 finale, as he learns how to use the Dark Saber. This episode does a great job continuity-wise in referencing what happened to Mandalore in Star Wars: Rebels! The cinematography in this episode was mind-blowingly beautiful! And near the end, as he was testing his new Naboo Starfighter, I got a little Phantom-Menace-Podracing-scene vibe from it. After that, he met up with Fennec Shand, and he said he will help Boba free of charge, but he has to see a "little friend" first! GROGU REUNION! Can't wait for the next episode!

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@jwilliams051197 Hmmmmm, I could be wrong of course, but methinks you'll be waiting a while for that reunion.
