It's both rather hilarious and a little disheartening to know that far and away the best episode of The Book of Boba Fett so far doesn't even feature him. Yes, for this show's hype, in reality it seems like we all just wanted a return to the classic adventures of Din Djarin and it does not disappoint. There is a lot going here thematically, narratively, and character wise, and Bryce Dallas Howard does an excellent job in the director's chair making it all fit into place. Her direction in general is stellar here, some of the best live action Star Wars has had since Rian Johnson rocked the world with TLJ. It's a slow, meditative episode too which adds to a mystique around Din as a character that this show really hasn't achieved.

It definitely helps that this is also just a wickedly good look into Din without Grogu. He's lost and reverting to old habits, and seeing that regression done in a way that still somehow works as genuine progression is very difficult to pull off. The scenes with his new ship are equally as great, and I especially love some of the throwback sequences in this that harken back the beginning of the saga. And while I hope the next episode actually does focus on Boba Fett again (we only have two episodes left which is a bit concerning), as a short detour, this was incredible stuff.

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