First of all : Jonathan Frakes Directed the shit out of this episode. The Discovery burning scene at the sound of Stormy Weather was just beautiful to watch.

What we fail to realize is that Star Trek also, - I say also because Trek is about many things - Is about what we, as viewers, need to remember and see and aspire to the future. TOS was about diversity and acceptance, with black women, Russian teenagers and Japanese swordsman guided by an American misogynist with serious problems at following rules, but with a great capability of seeing the strength in their diversity. A much-needed point of view for the 60s.

TNG and DS9 had this more realistic approach in their stories, dealing more with the personal drama, adding the Counselor position and showing the need of dealing with the psychological result of being so advanced. Just as we move forward from several distressful political changes in our world in the late 80s and the 90s. Voyager and finally Enterprise had this message of "finding our way back" and "looking where everything started" that came with the late 90s and early 2000s when humanity decoded the DNA code and shifting to the internet world.

And now we get Discovery: A series about a society that acknowledges their traumas, and accepts that everyone in some way was traumatized in their lives and if they don't deal with this now, we will never be able to move forward. We have a show about people talking about their feelings - yes, we can do that too - just as in TNG or in DS9, but this time the hole series is about that need, that desire to heal, to mend, to fix.

The computer becoming emotionally sentient is nothing but a new level of this idea that adding feeling to the equation is not detrimental, is evolutionary. And in a detached and divisive society that we live today, that is exactly what Trek need to talk about. A future where we are not afraid of dealing with our traumas and moving forward a better being.

It is no mistake the symbol of the show is cracked by a rift, the person inside this society are also cracked, and their evolution is emotional.

I was so confused since I started this season, trying to understand why I was so detached from its massage, and why people were so bothered about a show presenting why everybody needs therapy and talk about their traumas. And then it hit me : this is what we need to see, and our frustration with the show's message just proves it.

Edit: The allusion to Hal 9000 singing "Daisy" Scene from Kubrick's 2001 was just priceless!

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