Review by Lineage

NCIS: Season 1

1x22 A Weak Link

Decent episode. The beginning gave me the impression that this episode would further the main storyline, but that was incorrect. My main reason for expecting that was the beginning of the season finale, which had a recap of the previous episode; this episode. Or so I thought.

But now that I've given it more thought, I realized it was probably a "flash-forward," so to speak, of something that'll happen later on in the episode. I can't believe I didn't think of it before, but I'm pretty sure that's how the NCIS shows ended up doing things.

They ended up showing short glimpses of what happens later on in the episode at every commercial break, along with those glimpses being black-and-white combined with the camera clicking method. I guess the season finale is when they started that, and I think that's why it wouldn't have been a recap of this episode.

  • There were a couple of familiar faces. The first one was Adam Baldwin; he played John Casey in Chuck. I haven't watched that show yet, although I've seen bits and pieces: enough to recognize him from that show. The second familiar face was Julie Benz. She didn't look familiar during the episode. But afterward, I looked her up on Google. She played Rita Bennett in Dexter. Another show I haven't watched yet. But I've seen the first few awkward scenes with her character and Dexter.

  • It 100% seems the writers are racking their brains for ways to incorporate McGee in these final few episodes of the season. I know he becomes a Season Regular in the second season. It's just a little disorienting that he keeps showing up for the sake of making an appearance, rather than the writers excluding him from the rest of this season since they'll make him a Season Regular in the second season.

  • All of the hacking stuff/technological vernacular (or rather vernacular that sounds technological) with McGee and Abby was a little cringe, to be honest. Stuff like that doesn't take me out of an episode, but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous. And there's a particular scene in this show I've seen mentioned on Reddit regarding ridiculous scenes like that in TV shows. I think it had to do with two people using the same laptop or something like that. I'm not sure if the scene in this episode was the one. If not, it must be even more ridiculous, which is somewhat hard to imagine.

While this was a decent episode, I guess, I feel like it was more so in the middle; not as decent as other episodes, but it was better than some not-as-decent episodes. In other words, (or word): entertaining. I'm very interested in the season finale. I'm assuming something big will happen, and maybe that it'll end on a cliffhanger. But I'll have to refrain from having expectations, or I may expect more than what I'll get.

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