I am glad they opened up the episode with Niyazi instead of dragging this along. So now, we know who did it, the only mystery remaining is the person who ordered the hit. At this point, I am still limiting it to either Yekta or Cuneyt.

And since Niyazi was revealed, Seda gets to have her old hairstyle back :smile:

Pars was as always one of the highlights of the episode for me. I can’t get enough of his character and Mehmet Yılmaz Ak’s perfect portrayal of it:

  • His interactions with Seda are always hilarious
  • I felt bad for him when Neva went too far in her comments
  • I love his budding relationship with Eren and I was glad he chose to go and explain the situation to Ilgaz himself

And now for the reveal of Laçin's house. At first, I didn’t see any issues with that, and I thought this was her hideout with her lover. But then I remembered the time when Yekta kicked her out and she spent the night at the Police station because she had nowhere to go. If this house is really hers, then why didn’t she just go there? Cuneyt was the one who brought the house deed to Yekta, and since I see him as a suspect, I can’t help questioning his every move.

Çinar and that whole stupid gang of kids are pissing me off!!

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