Review by Viper Du'Vark

The Expendables 2010

Even though The Expendables has a stellar cast the film falls short of being great. It's not every film when my opinion aligns with the critics. In fact most of the time the critics get it wrong, but with The Expendables I have to agree with what most of them are saying. Yes this film does makes good on the old-school action they promised which was all excellent and the film brings together some of the best action stars out there today; however with all the top end action stars involved with this film you would think the film would of (as the main consensus reads) "hit harder". Besides the super cast I felt the story line was kind of weak and it was kind of a letdown that every action star (or at least most of them) didn't have enough screen time. I would have enjoyed it more if Willis actually stuck around longer, or Li had more time to shine like Statham and Stallone got. With its faults The Expendables was fun to watch for just the super cast it boosts. It was extremely enjoyable to see them interacting with each other. If this film didn't have a super cast I probably would have rated this film lower.

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