Shout by Viper Du'Vark

Project X 2012

Epic fun party movie; the best party movie I have ever seen. I want to go to a party like this at least once in my life. There isn't much of a plot to this movie; it is just about two friends trying to put together a massive party for their friend's birthday that is it. The real purpose of this movie is the out of control, fantasy, over the top, unbelievable, crazy, insane party - and what a party it was! I thought the movie was awesomely funny, and enjoyed most of it. By most of it, like others have said the movie has a slow start and doesn't really pick up until just after the party starts. Once the party starts, the movie starts getting fun, and some moments I felt like I was there. This movie isn't for everyone (like the critics), it is mindless fun. The people behind Project X promoted this movie as the best epic party movie of all time, they never once claimed that this movie had an in depth story.

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