Overall The Book of Boba Fett has been a mixed series to me.

I really liked the flashbacks learning how Fett escaped the Sarlaac and how his outlook on life changed from living with the Tuskens and becoming one of them. It was nice to see the man behind the armour.

It’s interesting in that it’s somewhat hard to say what precisely the problem with the show is. The acting is good, the writing’s pretty decent, the effects are fantastic, several of the individual episodes were really good, and the ending ticks off a lot of boxes (big fight, “unexpected reinforcements to the rescue” moment, reunions, impressive visuals), and yet it all feels… sort of empty?

I think the fundamental problem is that there was just no real emotional weight to any of it. I never got any clear impression of why Boba was doing what he did, his whole “I want to be a crimelord but not do any crime” shtick was weird, and he felt more or less isolated and disjoined from the things around him. His big castle was empty, his personal troops were like 7 ppl in total, and I’m just not clear on why exactly he cared about Mos Espa or, by extension, why we should. The whole thing felt rather slow and plodding, not really because the pacing scene-to-scene was awful but mostly because fundamentally, you just didn’t really care what happened next.

The problem could probably be summarised by saying that the show was full of individually good elements, but fundamentally ill-conceived. I’m not really sure why this show had to exist, and it doesn’t quite feel like the show knew either. It honestly felt like filler for The Mandalorian Season 3.

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