Have you heard the joke about the cat, the black hole, and a glass of milk? No? Me neither, but I'm looking forward to the punchline.

Warning: Spoilers and rambling, borderline insane speculation below.

Yep, still very much invested in this show. Still speculating about lots of things, particularly about who, between Campion and Paul, is Remus and who is Romulus (considering the show title and the placement of Mother's nipples... symbolic of her being the Capitoline wolf and mother of the aforementioned "twins"). Also, how exactly does the serpent/Ouroboros tie in... that it seems to be a benign positive beginning right now is clear, but will it eventually become the bringer of the end... will it become Apophis? How? Also, what killed the scientists? Does it live within the acid ocean? Is it also a serpent? Will it and Mother's child mirror the relationship between Campion and Paul/Romulus and Remus... Is the android creature Father is reviving one of the dangerous old world serpent worshippers we saw in Mother's vision when she was giving birth?

Speculative science fiction... it writes itself, lol (nod to Ursula K. Le Guin)... nah, it's fun to guess at what everything means, but that can only last for so long before you lose most of your audience. That punchline and clarity better come quick.

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