Shout by Ranchpig

Resident Alien

Season 2

I almost never stop watching a series midway but this is just too painful to continue. It's everything wrong with Hollywood in our times.
To be fair I think the premise is pretty good and Alan Tudyk is a talented actor. He's doing his "schtick" admirably and delivers the alien humor well. It's the absolute 4th wave feminism that is intolerable. But the preaching of the new woke religion is too much.

It was evident from midway thru last season that this is where it was going but after S2E3 the writers turned it into talking points from a women's study syllabus and it's so forced. Women's pay gap? check Women being objectified? check Mansplaining? Check. Bright pink hair? Check. Unattractive fat women? Check and check and check. Stupid, spineless, buffoonish men? Oh yea. It's so bad they even have the kids joining in on the act. Can't let those little ones just be kids, we have to make sure to get em while they're young.
Don't waste your time.

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@ranchpig 100% agree!! Unattractive fat women being objectified - lol

@ranchpig Well, f*k. At this pace there'll be nothing left to watch, who are these people, why are they hiring them, who's pushing this ideology, why is the cast and the production company tolerating it? I have so many questions for the people that approved this after a meeting, questions like "what the hell is wrong with you?" and "are you outside of your mind?", as well as a question we all have on our minds at this point, which is "what the actual fk?" But on a serious side, why do they pick such lovable actors to carry a show or a movie and then ruin their career? And then it turns out as if they made a bad career choice, nah, nah, somewhere during production there was a switch and everyone just pretended like it's fine, oh what's this, the sky is green now? I don't remember it being green, are we just gonna go with it, no questions? Okay, alright, oh wait, no, there's horsesh*t falling from the sky, wasn't it supposed to be like, water? Like, droplets of water? No? Oh, ok, as long as we're on the same page. WHO THE FK DOES THIS!!? I can't NOT rant about it, it's Tudyk for fk sake, they're wasting this man's precious time, they're wasting everyone's time, it should be illegal to do this, besides it's a comic book adaptation, it should've been so much better, same way Y The Last Man On Earth should've been great and not woke garbage, same way Walking Dead should've been great and not morph into general garbage and then later into woke garbage as well, then there's Batwoman, Star Wars, Star Trek, Eternals, Terminator, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and as much as I hate to admit it, The Rookie, they basically decided to ruin EVERYTHING people love and care about, it's an actual crime, it needs to be dealt with. I don't know what to do about it, I think we all collectively need to make a petition and simply storm all major production companies with emails and petition results and put an end to this once and for all, it's gone too far YEARS AGO, and everyone just kinda hoped it's a phase and that someone with a brain will step in and fire some people, but no, nothing is happening, they just keep ruining every god damn thing on television, every movie, series, even comic books themselves are getting ruined, they started hiring woke wannabe writers on major projects, what the fk is the endgame here, to destroy happiness? And what the hell is up with the actors? Why can't they show some spine and say "No, sorry, that's bullshit, I'm out", with no actors leading potentially big series and movies there's no money going around, do we really need to bakrupt the industry in order to get rid of feminazis and other woke humanoids? And it's not just entertainment they're ruining, anyone watches sports these days? Men competing in women categories and everyone's just pretending that's norma, like, how far can it go? There's no common sense left in this world, how the f*k did we get here?

@kokodjambo lol calm down dude

@ranchpig It's sad that these things bother you so much.
