Review by JoJoConejo

Space Force: Season 2


Ah, Kokomo revival, perfect little detail in the Don't Look Up-ish finale.

This series is "tiny" but cozy, comforting and heartwarming in its simplicity, tho not banal, not trying to force laughter nor surrendering to cliché. There were lovely moments, characters grew closer and worked, interacted and learned as a team with a nice camaraderie. In each episode there are little bits, small jokes and puns and physical comedy - but in a chill way, not having to fill every single bit with attempts at funny situations or over-dragged jokes, all without taking itself too seriously.
The team spirit and subplots, friendships (Tony and Chan tops the season) and mentoring (Adrian and Chan, Adrian and Erin), small moments (like the father-daughter sweet scene on the couch in ep. 3, or Tony protecting Chan) inside jokes - take over the crave to be funny at any cost. They seem to prefer creating an atmosphere, a place you wish to see back rather than feeding endless jokes or comedy bits to the audience - and I appreciate it.

I have a hard time finding shows that aren't either too gritty/realistic, or bland and predictable on the other side. This one is a good balance of relaxing after a long day, without getting dazed by stuff, jokes and situations you've watched a thousand times on a thousand shows and sitcoms.

Hope they will return for season 3

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