Why do these two yellow vests start arguing in the shuttle? Ffs, this should be a military-like starship, not a self-help group where everybody needs to express their feelings and get reassured.

And what was even the point to bring back the woman in blue? She was only there to ensure that Book's ship gets destroyed if things go sideways. But no, they screw this up as well and then there are no repercussions?! Like "Oh well, they ignited the bomb anyways, but I'm glad you're here, let's stay friends shall we?". What is going on here?

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@steph4869 fully agreed. It's like they are trying to make connections and devide at the same time and it's just sloppy writing.

The only thing I could see is if somehow the DMZ ends up being the federation (or heaven for it, yet another future version of them) and they are establishing "humanity" for when they finally meet

Ugh. Not impressed
