Man that was one hell of a season finale. I really enjoyed that short relationship between Jayce and Violet, and that flling out bteween tbe two really showed the differences between their characters. Jayce was fine keeping his head under the dirt and not thinking about the people of Zaun, how there's children there dying ever day starving and poor, but when forced to directly kill a child when destroyig the manufacturing facility it was too much for him.And there's Violet, someone whose lived all her life in Zaun, experienced the brutal reality of the underground streets while the people up top lived comfrotable lives and never gave a second thought to them, it completely makes sense why she would still keep fighting even as it lead to the deaths of fairly innocent children who were wrapped up in this, because to her its necessary to end Silco's rule, and she views Jayce as complacent in these deaths regardless of its directly or while he lives up in Pultivor and pretends they dont exist. Man I really enjoyed Jayce's character, watching him learn the real costs and brutality of what war is after he and Vi completly took over a manufacturing facility and in the process killed a child working there, and realizing how he's lost his way with this magic tech (w/him literatty building weapons out of magic tech, goign against the exact purpose of Hextech) was beautiful character writing. Same thing with Viktor too, he was obsessed with perfecting his magic tech that he paid no attention to the costs or danger of it, and this obsession lead to the death of his coworker, who was rooting for him to succeed and loved him. Watching Viktor break down at the sight of losing his coworker and then reading the heartfelt letters she wrote about him was gut-wrenching, and now Viktor understands what Professor Hein was saying about needing to destroy the Hex core, the danger is poses to society. Im glad that Jayce agreed to destroy the Hexcore after Viktor talked to him about it. Viktor and Jayce were idealistic inventors who lost sight of the right path towards there vision. And man, the balls Jayce had to meet with Silco and discuss negotiations, agreeing to allow Silco an indepedent nation of Zaun in exchange for the orbs, stopping shimmer production, and most importantly Jinx. It was looking like Silco was seriously considering it too, I mean everything Silco has done, all the murdering, creating the shimmer, and workign with an enforcer in secret, was so that Silco could acheiev his dream of making Zaun an indepedent nation free of Pultovir, but of course, he cares too much about Jinx now to give her up, after raising her for years he now views Jinx as a sort of daughter and now he understands why Vander gave up his dream of building an indepdent Zaun for the safety of everyone he loves. Man even after killing Vander, Silco still repsects and values him as a sort of brother. that scene where Silco was talking to the statue of Vander lamenting how he cant chase his dream of Zaun anymore for Jinx's sake was beautiful. Also, man Im surpised by how much I ended up liking Mel, at first all i thought of her was a shitty person who just wanted to use Jayce for the sake of advancing Pultovir, but she actually came to become some I cared about, and she seemed to genuinally care about Jayce too. I'm glad she stood up against her mother, who planned to get Jayce to make weapons with HexTech and start a war so that she could use those weapons for her familys protection from the person who killed her son, and told her to go away and stop trying to get Jayce to go to war against Zaun. Man im surprised that even that shitty mother who banished her kid would become sympathetic too, learning that she banished Mel because her dissapointed face was too much to bear as she commited her actions, and also having her invite Mel back home to safety made me like the mom somewhat Also, she's a goat for supproting Jayce when he proposed to the council that they should make peace w/Zaun by allowing them to become independent in exchange for no more shimmer, getting back the orb, and Jinx. Things could've ended well but noooooo, Jinx just had to attack Pultovir (speically where all the councilmebers were in) with a missle using the orb as energy. Also man, am I surprised that Sevika chose to remain loyal to Silco, i was really thinking there would be an overthrow of Silco from within Zaun.And man Profressor Hein is such a good guy, doing everything he could as head of the councilmembers to prevent another destructive war against Zaun and trying his best to prevent the development of magic tech in fear of the danger it'd bring out after witnessing its destructive nature years ago, andeven when proven right about his fears of magic tech he was fired from his position, I hope this isnt the last we see of him in Pultovir, though Hein living with and helping out Ekko is a nice change of pace that I'd like to see explored. Also man, that final confrontation between Sevika and Violet was something beautiful, the animation was dynamic and beautiful like usual, and man seeing them beat the shit out of eachother was fun to watch. Also, I completelty get why Violet would despise Sevika so much, she betrayed Vander by working for his enemy and the man who killed him Silco, because she thought Silco could be the man who'd be willing to do what it takes to bring change for Zaun, completely disregarding all the good Vander was doing for Zaun and why he was so hesitant to go to war against the Enforcers. Also man, that pep talk Violet recieved form an imaginary Vander, telling Violet that Powder and the others still need her, even its it a hard road she can still fight, was beautiful, and Im glad that Violet was able to beat Sevika in the end. And man, that final confrontation between Jinx and Violet was terrifying to watch, with a mentally unstable Jinx abducting Violet, Caitlyn, and Silco, and struggling over who is her enemy, who she should be killing. Learning from Jinx's perrspective about how the reason she's changed so much into the mentally unstable killer was because of Violet abandoning her all those years ago, stripping Jinx of the last person she could care about after Jinx lost everyone else (granted because of her messing up adn killing them) was painful to listen to, and knowing that Silco of all people chose to took up that role of someone Jinx could rely on, becoming a father-like figure for Jinx must've crushed Violet. And man, I completely get what, for a moment, Violet abandoned Powder, but still Violet cared about Powder, thinking about being able to see Powder again is was carried Violet trhoughout her years and jail, and seeing what Powder has become now and learning that she's responsible for this must be heartbreaking for Violet. Man I was also worried about everyone, except Silco's life, with Jinx even trying to make Violet kill Caitlyn by promising Powder will come back if she did. And man, as Jinx was going through a manic episode with memroeis of her past friends stabbing Jinx's mind (with the intense neon scirbbles over her past friends with transformed into beastlike creatures consuming Jinx in her mind) as she decides if she should shoot Caitlyn, or Silco, with Violet begging Jinx to not kill off Caitlyn, and Silco trying to get Jinx to rid herself of Powder and finish Caitlyn off.. And then, after all of these memories were stabbing Jinx's mind, and as Violet was yelling for her to stop and Silco was yelling for her to keep going through with killoign Caitlyn and bbecoming Jinx, Jinx chose to kill Silco in a manic rage, killing off the one person who stayed with Jinx after the incident w/rescuing Vander, and the person who became like a father for Jinx.Even though I hate Silco, it was heartbreaking seeing them say goodbye to eachother as Silco was dying, with Silco saying that he'd never give up Jinx, even for hs dream of an indepedent Zaun, and Jinx breaking down and crying as Silco died in her hands. And as things seemed to be going okay, Jinx then decided to double down on her changed self, abandoning Powder, and then Jinx shoots a magical orb powered missle right into where all the council members of Pultivor are located, just as they agreed to make peace with Zaun. And now Violet and Caitlyn have to walk away after Jinx basically declared that Powder wont be coming back.

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