Shout by kirst

Shameless 2011

Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-02-27T06:13:23Z— updated 2022-09-22T19:14:39Z

went insane over this over christmas break with like the only thing i did all day was eat, shameless, and sleep. yes ik unhealthy but it was winter break :person_shrugging:but dec. 30 i watched s7 e1 (practically forced myself to) and just stopped. idk why, i still enjoyed the show but i guess something happened? i just moved on, i guess. sad though i still wanna watch i just cant bring myself to for some reason. im much more used to 20/30 min shows now lol
now its september 2022 and i have gotten to... season 7 episode 4. i dont know what it is about this season not super interested in it. plenty fine w long running shows (watched ten seasons of supernatural in a month or so)

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