Andrew promised that he would do something that would destroy Bree’s world. Something that would crush her. He promised that last season and now he’s made it happen. I can’t even describe what I feel when I see Bree’s expression when she’s faced with that scene: Andrew lying in her bed with that cynical smile, after having sex with her boyfriend... Man, who does that? What kind of hatred does Andrew feel for Bree that drives him to do something so cruel? What did she do to him that was so horrible to deserve all this heartbreak? Andrew says he “won”, that he “knew she would stop loving him” when she found out he was gay. This is heavy and could be true. Maybe, deep down, he really believes that. But his malice towards his mother began long before he came out with his sexuality.

And okay, Bree reacted unfriendly when she learned of his homosexuality. But that could be worked on, that could be changed, and she was starting to understand things better. Why else would she invite Justin to two dinners? She has this conservative side because she was raised that way, but she was willing to change and accept her son for who he is. And he preferred to close his eyes to it completely. Such a pity... This final scene of the two together is one of the most touching and difficult of the entire series for me. Both actors put on a show, especially Marcia with that dead expression, as if Andrew had ripped a part of her out. His reaction also makes me sad, but Andrew NEEDS this reality check. He needs to understand what he’s been doing, to appreciate the wonderful mother he has...

Looks like the little secret Tom told his dad he was hiding back in Season 1 is going to come out. He punched Ed and provided just cause because he knew they would look into the expenses and find some “bad” on him. I was impacted just like Lynette. And Tom saying that there might still be some things that might surprise her. Oh boy... You can’t help but think about another woman, right? Detours, concert tickets, flowers... And in the conversation with his father, the subject was precisely this: infidelity. Lynette doesn’t deserve this. In fact Tom doesn’t even seem like the type that would do something like that. Let’s wait...

Xiao-Mei’s despair when Gaby talked about surrogacy was funny. But the best moment was her undressing in front of Carlos and jumping on the bed. Carlos really liked what he saw, huh? But I’m rooting for this to work, the Solis deserve this child they dream so Much about!

Man, Susan is really an unlucky person. She gains something, but loses something else at the same instant. I laughed at the private detective situation when she grabbed the tape and ran away. And Mike was a cutie paying the guy so he wouldn’t say anything. He really likes her! Not to mention the situation with the mailman, right? Susan freaking out when she found him on top of her bed was priceless. The effort was worthless, Susan should have hidden the letter in some drawer or something, and not among hers.

Edie’s revenge is exaggerated. Dude, wrecking a woman’s house over a man everyone knows is na asshole to women? There’s no comparison to the accident Susan caused in season one, because she had no intention of doing that. And I’m not trying to justify cheating with cheating, but wasn’t Edie the one who revealed that she and Karl had a hallelujah night together when he was still married to Susan? Hell, Susan explained everything in the letter, she said it was his fault, that he had lied. It might be in bad taste to jump into bed with him minutes after the breakup (which hadn’t even happened), but Susan was tricked too. Ouch... She didn’t deserve this.

Plus, Matthew just proved he’s the real bad guy in the Applewhite family. It’s too shocking that he allowed Betty to go ahead with her plan to kill Caleb, knowing the reason to it was forged by him. He allowed his own brother to die!!! Lucky Caleb for innocently commenting the truth and Betty managed to stop him from ingesting more poison ice cream. And I loved that she locked Matthew in the basement...

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