Damn, I'm really starting to get a love/hate relationship with this show. I still like a lot about the show. Tyler Hoechlin is a good Superman and he never disappointed me so far. I like the Kent family dynamic and the drama around it. A lot of the side characters are compelling enough. Lana, Sarah, John and Sam are all likeable. But for me this show sometimes makes terrible casting choices and gives them a lot of time in the spotlight. In my opinion the show really suffered these last episodes from all the screentime 'Doofus Anderson' got. I haven't seen the actor in other media but this is so bad.
I had the same problem with Tal last season and hoped we'de seen the last of him. So this episode wasn't for me. A lot of Anderson and a lot of Tal.. and to finish it they kill off the most promising part of this season.. Bizarro. I feel the show has lost it's focus at the moment and forgot what made the first season really decent.

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@gusanito1886 fastforwarded a lot again this episode. Would have liked to see more of Bizarro too, he looked cool, too bad. We will see a lot other characters from the mirrorverse soon.
