Lot of folks stuck on the phone still working, and yes, that was a bit much. The whole series has been a mix of good and bad, with the good usually being enough to keep me interested. But this finale had just too many "WTF?" moments for me. Even more amazing to me than that perpetually powered phone, were those super-healing staples; I mean she went from pretty much dying to running all over the place again in a matter of minutes. And then she turns into Terminator 3, rather than just an enhanced "body-morphing" ex spy, 'because I don't how many times we had to see her go thru an excruciating transformation, but now she just changes 4 or 5 times as she's walking down the hall (I know some might say that was more a symbolic medley of some sort, but it wasn't really shot that way), and yes, they stole that right off terminator. And then the actual ending, I mean, REALLY? Whatever, I'd still check out a season two, just less excitedly than I would have before this overly creative ending to 1.

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