This felt more like More WOKE, Virtue Signalling than our Science based Star Trek we've all come to love. Nevertheless, being a Sci-Fi fan, I tried to ignore the Virtue Signalling and relaxed into the episode, which felt it was based on Emotion and trying to make the Audience feel good,.... Then, BOOM, the Woke culture slapped me around the face again when Earths president walked off the shuttle and all I saw was Freaking !!!Stacey Abrams!!! and the whole WOKE Culture was thrown to the forefront of my mind.... Thanks for Ruining what could have been an awesome Star Trek!... I hope Strange New Worlds with Captain PIKE doesn't go down this road.

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16 replies

Damn you trumpers just can’t stop crying about everything.

Stay triggered trumper.

Also, kiss my retired, actual combat veteran rear.

Move to Russia.

@alienmoon Yeah, I'm sick of all this newfound wokeness in Star Trek. For instance, I watched this episode from the 1960s where they had a white person and a black person kiss, and another from the same time period with these half-white half-black aliens where the whole thing is a big metaphor for racism being bad, and I'm like "Geeze, why you gotta throw this in my face?" What happened to the good old fashioned politics free Star Trek?

@alienmoon Please educate me. Is it a "woke" if an important person is portrayed by anything but a white man? While I found the episode to be "meh" at best, there's nothing even remotely politically controversial on this episode. If any, I thought the episode played too safe.

@alienmoon might want some Prep-H for those nasty hate hemorrhoids ya go down there ignorant old-man-yelling-at-the-air.

The world needs more emotional togetherness.
There is much more which connects us, rather than what makes us different.

However with people like you? Well...narcissists die alone on their hill. Live long and suffer in kindness. \//

100% agree. Let's all hope that Strange New World goes down a different path...

@nutmac stop bullshitting, you know darn well its not about race of whatever, Deep Space 9 wasn't "woke" now was it?

@alienmoon I've finally stopped watching this crap at episode 4, but have been monitoring comments to see whether the show improved. Sounds like not. This is not Star Trek for me personally, which is fine. Tons of other great shows to enjoy.

@gameplaycrush Yeah, DS9 wasn't woke at all! It's not like they did an entire episode about the prejudice faced by black science fiction writers or featured a scene centered on Sisko and his partner feeling uncomfortable about participating in Vic Fontaine's program because people who looked like them weren't welcome at night clubs like that.

@andrewbloom indeed DS9 wasn't woke, they did not claim victimhood about something trivial and went on to reject personal responsibility whilst blaming others for all of their problems.
Instead they faced real issues and dealt with them, not by being the victim but by being the better person.

@gameplaycrush If that's what you got from this episode of Discovery, an episode about facing an existential threat and choosing to reach for connection and community instead of mistrust and violence, then you need to get your head checked.

@eric-v-mazzone A Trumper?... I'm not even an American, shows what you know! ;)

@nutmac I normally don't care what colour the person is playing a role, however, Blackwashing 90% of movies & TV Shows in fear of being Boycotted, Cancelled & branded a racist does bother me. I would have accepted this more if the crazy WOKE agenda coming out of the US wasn't so,... Tribal! (Our Way or the High Way mentality),... And, I guess Stacey Abrams rhetoric hasn't helped matters either, plus, there's far more to Woke than Political posturing.

@himojukebox Oh, Please, Do shut up and keep your bullying to the School playground.... I don't subscribe to Woke and calling someone you know nothing about, Ignorant, Is quite Ignorant in itself!

@alienmoon the irony is deafening from this one. hahaha

@alienmoon All the knee jerk, snowflake BS you just spouted is irrelevant. Keep in mind only stupid people say those things. Be better

@alienmoon Spot on! People around the world are getting fed-up of this woke nonsense. Let's hope the Netflix share price free fall and mass lay-offs sends Hollywood a message. :wink:
