Review by Dahj Asha

Interstellar 2014

Oh, wow, this is difficult to rate. It's technically very good but I don't really like it. So I'll go with a 7/10.

The good stuff:

  • Exceptional sound and sound effecs (with headphones this was brilliant!)
  • Beautiful visuals (not always but some really good shots!). I would've loved to watch it in 4K but Netflix only offered it in FHD and I bought the BD before I had a 4K display.
  • Some things are physically (pretty) correct
  • TARS is funny
  • The extreme weather on earth is interesting (especially since we're heading towards that future, unfortunately - a couple of days ago sand from the Sahara made it to Germany and came down with rain which was quite an interesting phenomen, IIRC it's nothing new though but I never experienced or at least noticed it before)

The bad stuff:

  • It's darker than a DC movie
  • There's so much artificial drama and often at teh cost of physical correctness
  • Lot's of things don't make sense (IMO especially the time stuff)
  • It is difficutl to follow. One gets thrown into the story right away without any explanation or intro. And we only got fragments of what happened on earth (how the population got decimated).
  • I don't like the documentary style but it was fine as there were only few such scenes Dumb car chase (dangerous!)

So in the end it was an interesting movie but I don't really feel good after watching it. The drama is kinda fine because it's basically there from the beginning to the end so I didn't start to really care about any of the characters anyway (which is normally a bad thing but in this case I prefer that). The thing that get's me though is that it shows how much we humans don't know and unfortunately that's very true (so my thoughts signifficantly amplify that). We could even be living in a simulation. We basically don't know what living/existance is. We can observe our environment and create models for how things work and use that to predict the future but we don't know how the universe was created, if there's only one, how long our universe will last, etc. And that makes me question the meaning of life. I like living but does it even matter in any way at the end? Will humanity have a lasting impact or will we just be some dumb virus in our galaxy that tried to spread but failed.

Quite scary to think about such stuff... So I'll better end this review now :)

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