Shout by Vault Boy

Star Trek: Picard 2020

All the new Star Trek shows start off pretty well, then in the new seasons, they get stupid woke and cramped full of lectures on injustice and end with a cascade of feelings and irrational behaviour as if the future is entirely devoid of responsible adults.

I'm starting to think Hollywood has only kids that live in their parents'basement writing this weak sauce. If they had any life experience, they would be able to craft more realistic interactions.

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2 replies

AMEN to that well said statement!

@lone_gunman I disagree with your statement. This season is a million times better than the first. I don't know what "woke" references you are making, but this doesn't shove PC down your throat like most shows these days do. I personally think trump was too soft in terms of immigration and George Floyd got what he deserved, so let that reflect my politics if you want to say I am "PC"
