Susan sinking the car into that lake and Ian scared to death of the water!!! I couldn’t help but laugh. It was really lucky that Mike was “following” them, right? But look, I can’t stand Ian at this point. His authoritarianism over Susan has been going on for a long time and is only taking on greater proportions. I’ve said it before, I understand that he’s afraid of losing her, because his feelings are real. But giving orders and bringing up Mike’s name isn’t going to help. I think it’s pathetic that he’s inventing that he needs to move permanently to London, a blatant lie, and proposing that she cross the ocean with him. Susan did well to say that Ian should trust her, not Mike. Because that’s really true...

About the kiss: Mike’s attitude awakened the feelings that Susan still had for him. And that’s a fact, folks. She never stopped loving him, there was no time. She entered this definitive relationship with Ian in a matter of HOURS after Mike dumped her at the hospital. This after she spent six months visiting him daily and praying he would wake up. What she felt for him didn’t go away overnight, and Ian knew it. Anyway, she should have told him right away that it happened, because maybe, eventually, he might find out from someone else and it will be worse. We’ll see what has to happen in this plot from now on...

When the kids got chickenpox, Tom told Lynette that she had to stay home with them because he might get the virus too, and that she knew how worse he was than a kid when he was sick. So much so that Lynette actually took time off from work after he warned her about it. Now we’ve seen that it was really true. He gets really unbearable when he’s sick. I hate how he yells at Karen like he’s a little kid. I hate how he keeps making demands. I hate how he comforts Lynette just so he can have sex with her. In fact, he wants to satisfy himself, she needs to do the work for him, since he wouldn’t do anything... I like Tom soooo much, I really do. But you can’t justify that. It’s hard to see Lynette killing herself on that job and all he does is grumble at home. Not to mention the rude customers, that guy saying the calzone was bad: pathetic!! You just don’t talk to anyone like that. That is, if you’re a decent person. Anyway, I loved that Lynette decided to hire Rick. She needs all the help she can get right now, and he’s experienced.

BTW: I keep thinking that Karen could have taken the kids to her house and left Tom mumbling to himself. Dumping them on Lynette in the middle of the day, with a restaurant full of people, and knowing how exhausted she is physically and mentally? I think Karen didn’t act like she should...

What Gaby won’t do to get what she wants. But she was too bold to take that hot guy to kiss him in front of Victor in the middle of an electoral debate. I laugh a lot with him all unfocused. That’s so Gabrielle. And analyzing this plot, the purpose of this whole attitude is to show that Gaby can mature with Victor. What he later told her is true: she takes relationships like a battle, a war, in which one of them must win. It’s a competition. It seems that she is still in that spirit of divorce with Carlos, it hasn’t completely left her. And relationship is not that... Victor is elegant, polite, charming, and with a very different attitude from Carlos. He’s more serious. Maybe he ends up redefining the concept of “relationship” for her, the true meaning of companionship and complicity.

Carlos, Edie and wild sex. I always laugh out loud when they climb onto the table and it breaks. THIS SCENE IS TOO MUCH. And in the end, they made the wait and the bad experiences worth it. I will always prefer Carlos and Gaby together, but Edie and him don’t seem so absurd anymore. They have plenty of chemistry. And I think it’s so sweet that Carlos is so involved with Travers. He really likes children a lot.

To finish: that last scene is such a shock!! Soon Mrs. McCluskey, so harmless, with her husband’s body in a freezer for who knows how many years. I love this little mystery and the highlight it gets.

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