Review by Mark Adam

Strike Back 2010


Review by Mark Adam


I really like this show, despite the decline in quality over the final few seasons (once Scott and Stonebridge leave). It has enough drama and emotion to draw you out. The acting is suspect at times, but it's a fun show that isn't necessarily dialogue-driven... so the tactics become more important. In the last few seasons, they decided "things blowing up" was more entertaining than having sound tactics or believable fights/gun battles, but that happens when a show goes on for so long. If you're watching this show for "realism" then this one is not for you. However, if you're able to suspend your disbelief, this is a fun ride.

It did strike me that the writing became very, very lazy towards the end... I suppose they ran out of source material but still wanted to make the show/make money... but they do a good job subbing fun in for substance, and I'm okay with that trade-off in a show like this. They aren't pretending to be Citizen Kane here, after all. They did kill a few characters I didn't expect, which starts you guessing things like "if they'll kill Mac, who WON'T they kill?" It was a smart choice, given the lack of depth in that season otherwise.

It's good that the show ended when it did. Trying to do any more would have been pushing an already thin IP to a point where it would sour the whole thing.

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