I love Susan (I never understood and will never truly understand why she is the most hated and despised character among the show’s fans), but I can’t disagree with what the trail guide told her. Because it is true. Susan can’t live without drama. She attracts this in everything she does. Some things happen outside her domain, others she chooses – like the whole situation with Ian from the moment she decided to go with him to the countryside, with Mike in a coma. Everything that happened from there, Edie and Mike, Susan torn between two men, etc., could have been avoided if she hadn’t been so desperate and needy to have someone. Deciding to leave a woman behind just because she was called dramatic shows how dramatic she is. Anyway I like those scenes in the woods, clumsy Susan is always priceless! I laugh so hard when she trips over that tree trunk. What about Mike going back to the guides’ office when he heard there was a clumsy woman lost in the woods? Their reunion was so beautiful, dude.

Gabby acted with such arrogance, it’s really impossible to defend her attitude here. Even though I hated the way Victor spoke to her afterwards, he was right, he used the right arguments. Gabrielle is not above the law for marrying a mayor. And precisely because she is a public figure, she must do the right things. The scene of the conflict with the guard was priceless, because Gaby reacts to things in a very funny way, you can’t help but laugh. But it was wrong for her to run to the other cars and tear up the tickets. If she can’t, she can’t! She has no right to change laws. And besides, I felt sorry for the guy for getting beaten up in the end. The twist in her wrist wasn’t meant to be, he wasn’t trying to hurt her, but rather to stop her from tearing up the fines of people who were breaking the law. Also, she was fatphobic, he was just doing the work he’s paid to do. Getting beaten up for that was the real meanness.

I feel sorry for Edie and her fear of being alone. Fighting for the boy’s custody just to make Carlos stay with her, pay attention to her, it was wrong. She didn’t think about the consequences like her ex-husband. Glad it’s already been resolved. Nothing prevents Travers from spending the holidays with her, maybe a weekend, a long holiday. Anyway... And you can’t deny the chemistry that exists between her and Carlos.

And finally, we have the most unbearable plot of the episode: Lynette and Rick. I can’t help but feel disgusted. I understand what she says about feeling sexy, beautiful. But dude? It wasn’t “innocent flirting” anymore. Lynette was petting Rick, running her hand over his head, taking his hand. They looked like a couple hugging in the refrigerator. She didn’t cross the line, but admitted that she came very close to doing so. And besides, she really should understand that what was going on there wasn’t something just for her. At some point he would try to go a step further, just as he did. What did she expect?

Rick is extremely annoying. Tom shared his thoughts, he knew he couldn’t go straight to Lynette to talk about it because the marriage is already on shaky legs, that would only complicate things further. And Rick goes and declares his feelings to Lynette waiting for what? Did he want them to have an affair while she has kids, a family waiting? I JUST FEEL DISGUSTED. I’m glad she decided to fire him herself, and I’m sorry when she shows up crying in the bathroom – I’ll always prefer to believe it’s a regret for almost doing something very wrong, for having had feelings for another man, and not for losing him. It has to be for that.

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