Shout by Amourgirl

Walker 2021

Well I somehow managed to get to season 2 Episode 12, but with the best will in the world I can not watch another single episode ever again…

It is so dreadful it actually makes Teletubbies look exciting. I promise you no excitement, no riveting story lines, no cliff hanging moments, no characters to love or hate.. just bland vanilla..

Don’t get me stated on the lead Walker. The man is a total moron! He can’t say a single sentence without pausing after every other word. Reading his lines is like my 4 year old learning to read. I’m sure he wasn’t as bad as this Supernatural?!? Very weird

I have watched all the best shows and I realise I am now scraping the barrel so I don’t expect amazing, I don’t even expect good…
But at the very least I expect watchable!! Even a 3/4+ / 10 but this is a generous 2 very generous.

This is clearly is the show where bad actors go to die!

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