Review by maurice

Did I say I ship Mary with Francis earlier? Well, then now, I AM SHIPPING THEM SO HARD PLS. THEY LOOK SO GOOD TOGETHER

This episode contains a loooot of scenes with them together, building up their chemistry and a possibility of romance between them. I love how Francis protects Mary from the English people and even from his mother. He worries too much for such a woman he claims he doesn't want to marry :rofl: I also love other scenes of them such as when Charlie and Madeleine meet, when those kids were playing a game and they kind of teased each other, and on the last part when Francis assured that Mary is safe in the castle where he told her that they are friends and it's a good place to start if there's really a chance of them getting married...

I melt every time Francis looks at Mary with adoration pLS??????? LIKE I ALSO WANT A GUY WHO WOULD LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT???????

Too bad that Francis would die at the end (I spoiled myself to be prepared for the worst scenario). If he died, I hope Mary would not marry or like anybody else (just Francis alone) because please, they loook soooo good :weary::heartpulse:

At this point, I don't even know why I am THIS attached to Francis. My boi would be doing nothing and I would praise him for it :sob:

That's it for my simp era. Thank you very much.

Also mentioning Mary's boldness and courage !!! Like wow she is indeed a queen of Scotland. I love how she is so brave and bold of expressing her thoughts !! That's my girl right there :smirk::smirk::smirk:

I am just bothered with the king and Kenna (Mary's friend) situation??? Like hello, the king is already an old man ... and fucking with a 19-year-old girl?????? It just doesn't sit right with me :skull::skull::skull:

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