Review by VWFringe the Pervy Sage from TVMuse

Final Space: Season 3

3x08 Forgiveness

Just heart-wrenching...really tough situation for Ash -- and Gary, and Avocato!'s one of those CBT Skillz that, uh, allow us to pass a camel through the eye of a needle -- or, allow US to pass through the eye of a needle -- something seemingly impossible. [Not my words, I learned it from K. Bradford Brown, Roy Whitten, Sue Oldham and other trainers of, "The Life Training Weekend," a.k.a., "More to Life," which was built on the work of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT later morphed into Cognitive Behavior Therapy -- still the gold standard of talk therapy)].

I'll, hopefully, always remember the, "Process," they taught, which during the pacing explained forgiveness isn't condoning what the other person did, it's taking a stand against allowing the resentment to poison our soul (because holding resentment has pay-offs and costs, costs to our relationships, our health...that's why they called it, "The Cost Process," and we all had to practice it, experience it. Definitely helps cleanse the soul, or one layer of the onion.

I love this cartoon. I love that part about how Ash was able to find a friend, a real dance partner and say good-bye afterwards. I don't understand the other comment about it being gay -- pretty sure her friend wasn't male or female, and that Ash asked if they could look like a boy, but...whatever you prefer -- pretty sure my interpretation's not THE right one.

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