Shout by movieswatcher

Godzilla Singular Point 2021

This was a surprise, I ended up watching it all in one go. In a way, it is similar to Shin Godzilla, where it focuses more on the people than Godzilla itself. And here it's even more focused on the science behind the whole situation. And it mostly felt like somebody really thought about it. I completely did not mind all the exposition, as I found it really interesting. But this is not for ones that just want mindless action. This is something you have to think about.

The characters were quite good, maybe just too many of them. But there are quite different so you don't get lost. The soundtrack is also great and the song (you know which one) will haunt you in your dreams.

Actually, there were only two things I did not like. Some of the animation, especially the 3d looked just horrible and was a real low point of the series. Secondly, a lot of the characters here are these genius scientists, and they can't help themselves and do stupid things. At least it does not happen that often here.

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