Review by DAVY X

Well this one kept you guessing to the very end and although this kind of idea has been done over and over for a change they managed to add something new, which in turn kept it fresh and interesting. Very good on
Black Mirrors part.
And to see John Walker
Aka Captain America, Aka US Agent from the Marvel universe, the most hated man and actor to star in the Marvel universe get messed with like that in this was frickin Awesome,
I could watch that over and over and over again.
I mean Wyatt Russell was hated that much staring in the Marvel universe he was actually getting Death threats in real life, true story, but that's a story for another day and on another t.v show.
So that was great to see his bad times go down in this and the fact he was joined by another 2 Marvel actresses was awesome, a real nice treat. The acting from everyone was fantastic, really well done,
Yes it started off slow and I found myself just waiting for it to kick off and waiting then boom off we went and from then I thought the episode was great and really brought us into the Horror with our John Walker, sorry he will always be John Walker to me. But all in all a good paranoid, anxiety driven episode of Black Mirror and I did not see that end coming, thought I'd worked it out and boom did I Hella's like so kudos for tricking me BM.

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