The relief the girls feel when Lynette and Tom’s children emerge safely, unharmed, from the wreckage of the house. Only to then feel the deepest sadness when they discover that Ida did not survive. In fact, this small moment becomes one of the strongest and most moving on the show. Edie holding Karen’s hand, symbolizing her support... Too touching!

Ida died a hero, by the way. I get teary-eyed when Parker shows up at her house and says with the biggest sad face that she saved his life, that she said she “would be fine in the corner”, and that he wished he could do something... I get impressed how this boy differs from the others – and he is younger than the twins. Because Parker has ALWAYS been a lot more sentimental, he feels and regrets things a lot more. In other words, he is a humanized and well-developed character. And he felt very sorry for Ida’s death, even more knowing that she gave up her place to protect them. This moved Lynette a lot too, which yielded some very true and meaningful reflections. I thought it was very beautiful that she discovered a little more about Ida and regretted that she didn’t value her before, that she didn’t get to know her more when there was still time. And I love the effort she makes with Karen to make her last wish come true. Karen’s monologue is TOO BEAUTIFUL. You can’t help but get emotional. On top of that, they still make the scene funny when they both run away from the police. Karen running was so funny! And Lynette laughing afterwards, how cute!

I have to say, Ida’s nephews are disgusting.

Milton humiliating Gaby during the funeral... Honestly, I don’t think she should have insisted more when he said that she wouldn’t inherit a penny, and that Victor had shown him the pictures. I think I would have gotten up and walked out right away. He even called her a slut and threatened to expose the situation to everyone. What a bastard. I feel very sorry for her in this scene... As for Carlos’ money, it was already expected that they would not be able to recover it because Al himself had said that he had “washed his hands” with that account. I think even if his wife hadn’t destroyed the compromising files, Gaby wouldn’t have found anything – but the moment she’s caught digging through the files and trying to cover it up was priceless, she’s awesome. But now they are poor!!! And Carlos is blind, man. Poor thing. Also, he’s afraid to tell Gaby about his condition because he thinks she’s going to leave him.

Man, the twist! Susan and Julie complaining that Bree would make their lives hell by being a perfectionist, and they ended up surrendering to perfection. But who wouldn’t want to have someone as caring as her at home? Bree is too cute. What Susan did afterwards to keep her from leaving may have been selfish, but I don’t see the malice... I see sincerity in what she says, about feeling down without Mike, and pregnant... Bree brought a little light for her house, plus all the domestic stuff. Stay strong, Susan!!

Speaking of Bree: I laugh so hard at her pushing Andrew at the guy twice his age. And he surrendering in exchange for a television!! But I loved the scenes so much, Andrew starting to flirt with the guy was funny. I hope Bree gets a contractor soon too.

Finally, another twist in this Katherine mystery. Before he had been kicked out of the house, but in the end Adam left with a clear conscience stating that HE was the one who was leaving on his own... The most surprising thing is Katherine’s reaction when she reads the note her aunt left behind. And Adam saying that whatever happened in the past was her fault, not her ex-husband’s. If that wasn’t enough… Dylan managed to read a tiny bit and was equally horrified. This mystery is so intriguing!!

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