Looks like Lynette still has feelings for Rick. I find any moment these two have alone unbearable. And once again, I was embarrassed by the scene where she walks towards him, in the deputy’s office, and says “you know me” to get around the lie she told about Tom. I hate that. And I feel sorry for Tom for being there, knowing he loves a person who is clearly resisting feelings for another guy. And at the end of the day Tom was telling the truth all along... In the episode where Rick returned, the twins and Kayla showed up listening in secret to the whole argument he had with their father... But this revelation was both surprising and dangerous. . In addition to going alone at night to the restaurant’s location, who knows how far away, they were “playing” with fire - and they left the match behind, unintentionally incriminating Tom. Lynette’s surprised face when they both admitted... Anyway, I need to talk about the opening scene showing how Lynn knows that Tom is lying, from his reactions. The thin voice makes me laugh out loud!

Carlos and Gaby: both absurdly exaggerated. I love Gaby and her comedic tone, but sometimes she goes too far... Like this thing of wanting a dog that takes the remote, and does so many more things for Carlos because she doesn’t want to anymore. And worse: getting annoyed that Roxy doesn’t have those skills. And Carlos over-exaggerated taking the dog on the bed and practically telling Gaby to go out and sleep in the living room. But as I said above, you can’t help but laugh with her. I laughed so hard with Gaby running with that cookie and Roxy jumping on top of her to get it. And I thought it was cute that Roxy has already become attached to the two of them to the point of running a considerable distance to Wisteria Lane. How cute. And what about Edie? I liked what she said when she went to take the cookies, she’s not even afraid to speak her mind. Carlos’ situation is a reality that Gaby will need to get used to and adapt to. It won’t magically resolve itself... But they will make it work, together.

Dylan is very naive! It’s scary to see her blindly trusting a man she’s just met. And she’s been lying to Katherine, getting into his car at night. He could be her father. But the guy is weird. Katherine is afraid of him and has found a way to hide because he’s certainly given a reason for it. We know he was violent... Anyway, I’m just sorry about that. When Katherine finds out it will be a blast and just now that she’s so excited about this catering business with Bree – I thought the idea was great, by the way.

Bree never really liked public displays of emotion, she’s said that. But it’s so funny Susan crying with the hormones in her skin over her friend’s departure, and Bree and her uncomfortable expressions.

Now, about this whole situation involving Orson: I have a certain problem with this character and the last time I saw the show, I didn’t see any regrets in him. Now I see. I do believe he feels remorse. I believe in redemption, I believe that when people make mistakes and recognize these mistakes, they try to redeem themselves, open up, speak the truth. Orson didn’t tell anyone about what he did. He hid it from everyone. And he actually pretended to be friends – I don’t forget the fact that he went back to the hospital to finish up with Mike when he knew he had woken up. These things weigh. “Oh, but it was his mother who forced him”. Please... He could have objected. He was imposing himself the entire time when Gloria reentered his life. Why didn’t he enforce an assassination order? He did the unthinkable, ran over to kill, and left Mike lying there to die.

I NEVER take away Susan’s reason for running to Bree’s to face him as soon as she found out. Because as I mentioned in the last episode, a lot of bad things that happened to her from the third season onwards were because of that hit-and-run. Not just Mike in a coma for six months, but the subsequent situation with Edie for memory loss. And the recent situation, with Mike addicted to pills because of the pain caused by the crash. Orson is the husband of her best friend. He stayed at her house. They socialize together. They are neighbors. It’s hard for you to face such a reality, knowing that the person responsible for such a horrible act was meters away this whole time. Anyway, I think it’s BEAUTIFUL Mike saying he will forgive and advising Susan to do the same. And even more beautiful is her going to tell Bree that. That it may take a while, but that she’ll be able to forgive and let it go. Brooding won’t do any good... Bree not being able to do that is more understandable, as it wasn’t the first time Orson had omitted and lied about some pretty serious stuff. And he had a chance to communicate with her MANY TIMES. Now he must find ways to redeem himself so Bree can forgive him. The punishment is deserved, but I hope he gets forgiveness.

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