Review by Frank Carrizo Zirit

Moon Knight

Season 1


Review by Frank Carrizo Zirit
BlockedParent2022-04-20T22:52:25Z— updated 2022-05-09T10:05:03Z

I’m four episodes in and quite frankly, I don’t see this show getting any better. At least Wandavision picked up after the third episode. Those people saying this is the best MCU show so far must be on crack.

Now that I've finished watching all the episodes, I still feel a bit shortchanged with this show. I do think Oscar Isaacs did an incredible job all through the season, but I still feel it's terribly paced. Even though the last episode was awesome, I had already lost much of the initial interest. Ethan Hawke's character falls flat for me. Marvel films have created great villains with powerful motivations to justify what they do. Damn! I still think Thanos had a very good point! If Hawke was supposed to be Marc/Steven's foil, he came across as a bland bad guy who wanted to be bad because Khonshu is a trickster god who lied to him (we still don't know exactly how). Had his history arc been developed thoroughly, it would've opened more complex layers in the story. Also, they boast they got an Egyptian director who knew his way around Egyptian mythology... but... the show was quite lacklustre on that regards as well, IMO. Now we're left with a cliffhanger that hints at a second season. Oh my...

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@fzirit Don't you think it's possible to have different taste in shows/film? I have to say it is already one of my favorite marvel shows, but I haven't watched all of them.

@fzirit That's interesting. I actually found the first three episodes of WandaVision to be the best three episodes of that show. I liked the first couple episodes of Moon Knight best as well so far (4 eps in now). But maybe that's just me being gruff and tired of all the vanilla on TV, wanting something weird and innovative. I say bring on the weirdness!

@thefork Hmm interesting, I might check it out then as I thought the same with WV starting really strong before declining to generic "marvel" towards the end.

@thefork so we are opposites :-) I had to restart WandaVision several times as I did not make it through the first episodes.... they did not catch me and I turned it of every time I restarted, mid-episode

@weeze83 so you turned it off after 13 mins? because the first episode is barely 27 mins.

@fzirit ... something like this, yes. … (ashes over my head), later I got hooked and binged the rest
