Review by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: Picard: Season 2

2x09 Hide and Seek


Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-04-28T19:25:10Z— updated 2022-04-29T20:17:06Z

Gosh Not that "kid-in-a-cellar story" again. I don't really understand why this is important. Well, it tells you perhaps something about Picard's past, but I don't really care. Can't he just be an anti-hero because he is old? Does he need a trauma in his past (the Locutus trauma is more significant anyway)? Where does that come from? Nothing in TNG indicates that Picard has a tragic family background. Well, in the main story it's just a glorified memory technique so that he finds the right tunnel. Which isn't important anyway cause Seven and Raffi already made it to the ship. Picard didn't find the right tunnel anyway. He just stalled Soong a bit who inexplicably became an insane super villain who was easily manipulated by the queen. I don't understand his development. Yes, he's a scientist who wants to be famous, perhaps rich and who isn't conducting the most ethical experiments, but how did he become a Borg fire team leader that fast? (Btw: how did Raffi and Seven reach the ship? With just an ice pick, a knife and a corkscrew?)

The most interesting thing is perhaps the things you learn about the Borg: Queens have some sort of sense of multiple timelines and about their respective futures. Interesting. As I understand it, she's not interested in victory in this particular universe, let alone this universe. They are interested in a path for future victory of the Borg in at least one (or perhaps all timelines)? And all past (or future?) attempts failed, 'cause their approach is too cruel? But - knowing all that - they have never thought about changing tactics to a more collaborative and peaceful approach?

But even with that knowledge about the Borg the picture is still not clear after this episode. I still can't tell who wants what for what reason. Who prefers which timeline? And why? Does the Queen now hopes that the double-Renée trick (what does that entail exactly? Why is she still speaking in riddles? I thought they are kind of depended on each other for the time being) creates two new timelines that the Borg both can "win" given they have a 400 years head start and a new approach proposed by Jurati? Or is the peaceful (original) timeline the timeline Picard will be sent back to, while the Borg and Jurati will try their new tactics on the "Terran timeline"? Plus, I don't buy that Jurati can have such a positive impact on a whole race. I mean, they assimilated countless compassionate species before and they never learned from them? And now Jurati - above all persons - is able to change an entire race? And does that mean the queen was never interested in restoring or branching off a particular timeline? I mean, why should she care about a particular timeline if she "experiences" all timelines simultaneously anyway? Was she only interested in travelling 400 years back given one timeline is as good as the other? And if so, why don't the Borg do that constantly when they are about to face another defeat in yet another timeline? Obviously they have the means to time travel. And why did they summon Picard in the first place to rescue that particular Borg Queen if that's just another random timeline in which the Borg have failed? Again, like I said in my review of last episode, it barely makes sense. Well, perhaps it does, but the story is that convoluted, that I can't grasp it (Perhaps I'm just stupid). Thus I can't really enjoy this episode either (plus there's this superfluous Picard family story which I disapprove). Will they even have time to answer all questions in the season's finale? I have my doubts.

PS: At least the Borg queen has style. Time is of the essence. But this doesn't mean you can't attach your trusted trademark GREEN lasers to your drones' weapons. It simply looks more menacing in foggy and dusty France.

PS: why are they shooting at Shmullus 2.0? (Is that even the same triangle shaped emitter from Voyager? Did Seven got to keep the mobile emitter? Is the EMH stored in this device? Could Shmullus be reactivated?) Makes no sense. Jurati even said it's a hologram. How is that supposed to work? And after the hologram is "killed" (how?), how does that give her suddenly access to the ship's controls?

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