Shout by Alexander von Limberg

Sex and the City: Season 5

5x07 The Big Journey


Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-04-29T08:09:29Z— updated 2024-08-11T21:16:44Z

I'm constantly spotting shades of Charlie Runkle in that guy. Funny that she falls for him. I mean he's still white, and well-off but he doesn't have this peculiar WASP (the P is off the table anyway) vibe that Charlotte is usually looking for. But he will make her a better person. I actually like this episode, because I love to see Charlotte start an affair with him. Plus, I like trains. Plus, the dog is cute. Plus, the Big story continues (get married already!)

PS: That is the worst sleeper I've ever seen. Is that an extraordinarily bad example or is that U.S. standard?

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