I like this episode. To begin with, I appreciate they don't waste time on how the Hirogen were able to board Voyager. Of course it shamelessly feeds Hollywood's insatiable hunger for all things WWII and the Nazis in particular and while this could be annoying it's so strangly integrated into the world of Star Trek that I actually like this episode. Plus, at this point, writers know how to work with Seven and the Doctor. It's certainly one of the most memorable and unique Holodeck goes wrong episodes in the franchise. Usually that's holograms who become aware of the simulation, of themselves and somehow gained control of systems outside the holodeck hereby endangering the crew. This story is better written and much more complex. It's more than one of those little holodeck extravaganzas that only serve as an entertaining diversion.

PS: that's probably an awful thing to say given what we Germans are responsible for but the Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS uniforms showed an impeccable sense of style. And the Hirogen look good in them.

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