World Premiere Review: Sam Raimi, you legend. This was one of, if not the most, fun MCU movie yet. It's very Evil Dead inspired visually, particularly the camera work. The character arcs here are fantastic, the action is wonderfully violent (the multiverse gives so much opportunity to kill off characters without impacting the main timeline too much), and the pacing is great, just go see it.

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Totally agree, just sad they killed THAT Reed Richards, I was over the roof when i saw it.

And just how many times can they kill off Stewart's Xavier xD Sad to see him die again.

@dreadlockuni more fun than Ragnarok? I don't think so. Some would even rank the first Guardians above.

@dreadlockuni How can this movie be a 9, I give it a 1, the story had plot holes you could navigate Jupiter through. Science and Math are completely disregarded. And it was clearly written by an extremly dumb chimpanzee. I fell asleep on it after 10 minutes. rewatching was like pulling teeth. Marvel has no idea what the word "infinite" means. And a sequel should never make the original movie completely irrelevant.
