lol, superman has to have the lamest disguise in the history of disguises. :joy:

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@omoba-david The bigger problem is that it works lol

Heh. True. And no voice-distortion.

At least Black Lightning has the excuse that their visors generate electric fields that distort the face. And Flash's voice-vibration distortion (even if they do forget to use it too often).

But, despite all that, this show is still the best of the Arrowverse right now.

@omoba-david :joy: its kind of silly, but there's an explanation in ol' comics (image below). It's some sort of hypnotic effect.
Not as silly as the time he projected mini supermen from his eyes :laughing:

@omoba-david as long as the general public has the common sense to understand that Superman is who he is... and Clark Kent is the disguise... and that logic fits for Wonderwoman and Aquaman as well... they were born that way... Diana Prince and Arthur Curry are their respective disguises
