I can’t contain my joy to see Bree and Andrew in such an incredible mother-son relationship. The development that they’ve both had these past few seasons is worth highlighting all the time, because it was very cohesive and interesting to follow. To think that in seasons 1 and 2, Andrew wanted to see the devil in front of him and Bree had to kick him out of the house to have peace. Now, she competes with Alex’s mother to spend as much time with her son as possible. Melina is quite inconvenient and totally unnecessary with the “call it” thing for the holidays and pulling strings to get the boys to move, since they already have a life in Fairview. Bree showing all her power by buying the house as a gift, and on Wisteria Lane!

In the conflict between Carlos and Gaby, I understand both sides perfectly. I think it’s very beautiful and important for Carlos to decide that he wants to do charity work, participate in a community center and reach out to the disabled. Not everyone decides on their own to do such a thing. However, I think he could do it in spare time, on weekends, or things like that. Nor do I say that he should accept this Bradley job (since there is a possibility that he will go back to being that guy from season 1, I agree with the cons he exposed about this), but he should look for something that is paid. After all, they need an income. Gaby has sacrificed a lot these last 5 years, now that he’s okay, she needs a break. How will they support themselves if he only does community work?

Susan worked so hard for Lee’s friendship and hey, she finally made it and naturally. I really like their scenes so much. There at the club and then at the end, when he advises her not to give up her life for fear of losing a man. Susan also has an absurd neediness, it must be trauma for the period she was alone after Karl’s betrayal. Anyway, I hope she heeds that advice. There’s a lot to put in the balance before making a decision like that too, after all it’s not just her, there’s MJ and that affects not only the child, but Mike too. BTW: I LOVE Lee asking to put his hands on her breast and I love Susan having doubts whether or not she had sex with him. But the best thing about this arc by far was Gaby’s sarcastic laugh when Bob showed up at the house. ONE OF THE BEST MOMENTS OF THE SEASON. How contagious. No wonder Carlos fell in love with her when he heard that!

I die with people judging Porter for being terrified. As inconsequential as he was to Anne, he is only 16 years old... Hearing a threat like that from a man who has already shown no scruples, would make anyone afraid. I don’t blame him for running away... But with Lynette’s pleas, he could come back. In fact, that moment when she decides to show Preston how a mother’s love speaks louder, and leaves between the lines that she’s going to end Warren, was very tense! Such a mother, capable of anything, for love! Porter needs to get back now, as understandable as the escape is, the problems are only going to get worse. I want Lynette finding out right away that he’s with Stella.

Dave increasingly unbalanced. Now he gives us a clearer understanding of why he ended up in a psychiatric clinic, why he freaked out and became so dangerous. Losing his wife and daughter at once, so abruptly, is so sad, I can’t even imagine what it’s like to face it. With the meds gone, he’s getting scarier and scarier. About Edie, she took too long to question him about his life and family. The impression that is left is that they met and only talked about things of the moment. He asked her to marry him, she accepted and that was it. And I do feel sorry for her, because she’s just a pawn in the story. She has always felt lonely and has always been very needy. When she marries, she falls into the hands of someone like this...

And Karen almost didn’t hear the receptionist talking about Wisteria Lane. If she had stayed, she might remember that the girl said “Mr. Dash” moments before and do a search. She would find out about the accident and find out the reason he was in Fairview...

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