What a load of wishful, feel-good BS...

Not only do they romanticize/trivialize mental illness, they didn't even address the biggest elephant in the room: the ethics of this time-travel/harassment/emotional manipulation/mental torture thing they kept doing to Geraldine (and others, like Ruchel's father etc.).
They keep hammering on that Jacob is unhealthily obsessed with fixing everything and that he should let go, even Geraldine makes a whole speech on Ruchel about forgiving oneself, but what do they do?? They fix everything anyway.

Also, this whole new timeline has illogical holes everywhere (everyone keeps wearing the same clothes for seemingly weeks, everyone keeps flying to Mexico and back like they're going across the street, the yellow house and its surroundings remained almost unchanged for 30 years etc.), which could mean that this whole season/timeline is just in Alma's head.

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