Awesome, an instant classic.
A24 and the Daniels made a more entertaining movie than the studio system has been able to put out in years.
How are these action sequences so well helmed with a budget of only 25 million? Did they get the Daredevil crew or something? It’s insane.
Great acting, imaginative, really well edited (it takes a few minutes to adjust to its pacing, but its a smooth ride from there on), funny, stylish, moving, and it manages to blend many film genres in fascinating ways.
It also gets surprisingly substantive and profound in the second half, but that shouldn’t be too surprising considering that it’s A24 (it’s hard to imagine that they’d finance this without the second half).
This is destined to be one for the books, it’s going to be remembered for a long time.


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@jordyep I think it lost its way a little and got a little flabby towards the end tbh.

@jordyep Totally agree - this was a great movie.
