Shout by prjlxyz

Full Of bullshit cannot understand the picture or any meaning at all

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@prjlxyz Then try to read, learn and understand instead of complaining. If there are things you don't understand, that's not their problem or fault. That's yours.

@prjlxyz So you are capable of understanding, and creating, metaphors. Impressive. Then this episode shouldn't be beyond your mental capabilities after all.

@thunderztormdk I donnot have any responsibility to understand any Spanish history or whatever. IMO, this episode is full of screaming and ugly woman and men. Also, I have the right to complain. If I offense your art taste or nations traditions, I truely feel sorry, but insist i am right.

@prjlxyz My nation? Oh, you think I'm Spanish? No, I'm not. I just like to understand what I'm watching, so I tend to do a little bit of research, like, reading comments from others and googling a bit. That's how you improve as a human being, after all, by learning and understand more and more every day.

You are obviously not "right". When interpreting art, there's no such thing, really. Which is also why your comment is so offensive to me that I felt I had to react. Your lack of desire to understand the story doesn't mean there is no story. Nor does it mean that it's "bullshit".

And no, you do not have a responsibility to understand it as such - but on the other hand, it's also wrong to complain about a piece of art just because you don't want to try to understand it.

Sure, you have "the right" to complain. Doesn't mean you HAVE to, of course. But if you do, expect that people will disagree with you. Especially if your complaints are "i dont understand it". That's, in essence, your problem to fix, not the artist or anyone else.
