Guh. So many feels in this episode. The prom scene looks and feels like a film, and would have worked well as not just a season but series finale. I'm almost afraid to continue the season since this was such a poignant peak. Giles' line about being gracious really described the tone of this episode, and the appreciation and kindness hit me just as hard as the scene with Willow and Buffy in Buffy's room.

I have to give special appreciation to the music used in this episode. Films and episodes about prom get to cheat with familiar classics, but these felt especially fitting, and even made almost all banger choices for the contemporaries. The action cue with "We Are Family" was hilarious, and the Sundays' cover of "Wild Horses" is a contender for best ever cover of a song, and fits the scene to bittersweet perfection.

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