I can’t be apathetic to Katherine. As much as I think it’s WORSE that she demanded a public apology, because I think that makes the humiliation even more open, I can’t help but feel sorry for her. Folks, feelings are not controllable. It’s not easy for a person to tame a love like that and Katherine was lonely when Mike came into her life. She gave herself to him with open arms and he’s nurtured that desire of hers ever since. He moved in with her and then proposed marriage. Okay, she might have put some pressure on it, talking about it, having MJ talk about it too, but Mike proposed because he wanted to, it’s not like she put a gun to his head and demanded it. If he’d always known he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, if he knew he was still in love with Susan, then why the hell did he decide to take that step with Katherine? I love him, but in this case I think he played with her feelings and that’s just mean.

Also, all the anger she’s feeling is understandable, because they were at the airport packed to Vegas, with a wedding planned, and the next moment Mike disappeared... When he came to her it was just to talk about having reconciled with Susan. Just put yourself in her shoes, how do you digest something like that? It’s worth remembering that, moments before Mike left the airport, Katherine questioned him about his feelings for Susan, she gave him a chance to be honest, and he wasn’t... Now she’s a little unbalanced. That thing of putting on the dress and cooking sauce with it was pretty far-fetched, but it illustrates that she’s not entirely in the right frame of mind – and I’ve always marveled at Dana Delany’s ability to evoke that. Then I’m even more sorry at the moment of the public apology, for the way Mike talks to Katherine. I don’t know, there’s a tone of utter contempt in his words that shouldn’t exist. I think he was apathetic, he knows he’s to blame. He could have tried to talk to her in some other way, and not with “I’m going to drag you out of here by force.” It’s not her fault that he eluded her feelings the way he did.

Even in the midst of this conflict which is very complex, and as upset as I am with Mike, I love that he and Susan have remarried. As Julie said, they were made for each other, and they should never have split up in the first place. Of course I wish the circumstances of this reconciliation and marriage were different, that no one was hurt by their actions... But what to do?

Lynette in the office warning that girl about the cons of being a mother, made the woman cry, poor thing. And boy, I always get goosebumps and shocked when she is 100% indifferent to babies’ heartbeats and tells Tom that she doesn’t love them. I think that’s pretty strong. I totally understand, she’s already saturated, she’s already older, she was refocusing on her career and that was totally unexpected. But it’s worrying, even for her, to feel that way. Felicity Huffman is too divine in this scene, exposing the character’s guilt for the lack of feelings for the children that will be born. Anyway, there’s hope that she and Tom get through this in a healthy way, as has happened so many other times...

Orson makes me laugh. I’m always sickened by his selfishness in the scene where he tells Bree that guilt is a small price to pay to be happy. It doesn’t matter if the wife is happy with the marriage, with his blackmail. The important thing is that he is happy. Oh, fuck you! For him, I don’t empathize and I don’t care that Bree is moving forward in a relationship with Karl. It’s wrong? Maybe, because she’s still legally married. But I don’t feel sorry. And I laugh with her forcing Karl to buy new sheets for the room because she’s disgusted. Then she arranged the meeting with him, “I already changed the sheets and cleaned the bathroom”, it was funny!

Gaby going after Ana at the club: WHAT A SCENE! It might have been a bit of an exaggeration to expose the girl to this humiliation in front of her schoolmates, because we know that this sort of thing is something young people tend not to forget. But it was a wonderful sequence, the people carrying Ana to the stage with their hands was simply priceless. And the clashes with Gaby are good, it’s nice to see her really worried about Ana. She’s not being mean, she’s trying to put her on the right path. And she even ended that feeling of rejection that Ana was feeling, by signing the adoption papers. Now that she will feel officially welcomed, she must behave differently. We’ll see.

Finally, we have the new family. Danny is very handsome. And Angie is AWESOME. Whenever I restart the series, I look forward to getting to this season because of her, the best secondary housewife to come to Wisteria Lane. And their mystery is very intriguing, not only for what they showed on her body, that gigantic scar, but for mixing with this attack that Julie suffered at the end, drawing Danny as a possible suspect. In fact, what a horrible thing. Poor Julie!!!

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